Incoming Webhooks are a simple way to pass profiles from various apps into Lead Connect. Creating an Incoming Webhook gives you a unique URL to which you send a payload with the LinkedIn profile URL.

Getting started with Incoming Webhooks

We're going to walk through a really quick 4-step process (if you've already done some of these things it'll be even easier) that will have you posting messages using Incoming Webhooks in a few minutes:

  1. Create Lead Connect Account

Navigate to And create your account. Select your plan. If you already have an account login to your account. 

2. Create a Sequence to work with Incoming Webhook

Create a sequence and select Webhook as target audience. Save your sequence. 

3. Create a webhook for incoming data
     - Go to Webhooks part on portal (
     - Create a new Webhook and select a sequence for which data should be used. 

4.  Use your Incoming Webhook URL to post your data
- After all this build up, you might think posting a message will be really           complicated, but it's very simple. Just make an HTTP POST request like this:

Content-type: application/json
   "profile_link": ""

5. If Debug is needed
When you post data to webhook it may give following Errors depending on the issue: 

If Profile link is empty

 - Profile link not found

If Profile link is in wrong format

-Profile link is invalid

If Profile link is first degree connection

 - Already connected with this profile.

If Profile link already exists

 - This LinkedIn profile already exists.

"Key" is wrong (It's always "profile_link")

- Invalid Data

 Successfully added profile

  - success

Error found when profile added

  - error

For Any concerns feel free to reach out to