Create Contacts in Pipedrive using LeadConnect's Zapier Integration
Step 1 : Setup Zapier to Receive the data
- We already did this in our previous article. For reference, click here.
Step 2 : Set Up Paths in Zapier
- Click on Add a Step and select Path
Step 3 : Creating Path A
- Click on Path A
- Name your Path A and press Continue.
- Now setting up rules for this Path.
Warning : If you don’t see this green alert, then the rules are not correctly set.
- We first need to search that the contact already exist or not. If not, then have to create a new contact.
- After saving the setting you see this page, click on Fetch & Continue.
- Now again come back to step 3. Scroll down you will find it on the bottom left of the screen. Click on Set Up Template.
- Add field you want to add and click on Continue.
- Now send the test contact to your Pipedrive account to verify everything is working right. And then click Set Up Next Path.
Step 4 : Creating Path B
- Click on Path B
- Set Name and Rule for Path B.
- Now select your Action.
- Now this note belong is for a specific person. So first we need to find that person from the contact and add that note.
- Go to Edit Template in Step 3 and click on Continue.
- Send Test Contact Note to the Contact.
- Path B completed.