Create Deals in Pipedrive using LeadConnect's Zapier Integration 

What are Deals ?

In Pipedrive, the ongoing transaction you are pursuing with a Person or Organization is tracked as a deal, which is processed through the stages of your pipeline until it is either WON or LOST.

How to Create a Zap to integrate LeadConnect with PipeDrive

Let me explain this integration using a use case.

Step 1 : Setup Zapier to Receive the data

  • We already did this in our previous article. For reference, click here.

Step 2 : Create Paths for Different Rules

  • After you start receiving data from lead connect you need to create 3 paths from following conditions

  • Now Click Add a Step and select Paths.

Step 3 : Configuring Path A

  • On clicking on Path A, you will be able to set up name, rules and action for the Path A.

  • After you set the rules, you can select any action you want to perform. For this article we are working with Pipedrive, so I will select Pipedrive as my action.

  • Here, I’m going to search whether the Deal already exists or not, if not then it should create a new Deal.

  • You can see in your Pipedrive account a new deal has been created.

  • Now add a filter to check whether your LinkedIn request has been accepted or not, if accepted then the deal will be updated.

  • Now, come back to our Action Update Deal.

  • Now you can again go to your Pipedrive account and can see the changes (Only if the LinkedIn Connection request has been accepted.)

  • Path A completed

Step 4 : Configuring Path B

  • Similarly, on clicking on Path B, you will be able to set up name, rules and action for the Path B.

  • Now before adding any note to the deal, we first need to find the deal.

  • Now you found the Deal you were looking for. Add the note to the deal.

  • You can check in your Pipedrive Deal, you will find a note in their.

  • Path B Completed

Step 5 : Configuring Path C

  • Similarly, on clicking on Path C, you will be able to set up name, rules and action for the Path C.

  • Now I have to change the status of the Deal to Lost, but before we do that first we need to search the deal.

  • Now we just need to update the status of the Deal to Lost.

  • Check Pipedrive Account.
  • And the Final Path has also been Completed.

Step 6 : Run the Zap